Bio4Products will be represented by project coordinator Bert van de Beld from BTG Biomass Technology Group at the BBEST-Biofuture conference in Brazil.

Bio4Products will be represented by project coordinator Bert van de Beld from BTG Biomass Technology Group at the BBEST-Biofuture conference in Brazil.
2020 is the final year for the Bio4Products collaboration, so we will be on the road showing off our new bio-based products!
On 14 November we held an interesting webinar on the topic of ‘Developing a pyrolysis-based biorefinery’.
Bio4Products will have a stand at BIOKET on 10-12 March 2020 in Lille, France.
A study has confirmed the sustainability credentials of a new bio-based alternative to creosote which is being developed in Bio4Products.
Registration is now open for the next Bio4Products webinar ‘Developing a pyrolysis-based biorefinery’ on 14 November 2019 from 11:00 – 12:15 CET.
Bio4Products held its first webinar on ‘Choosing the right feedstock strategy’ on 26 September. Luckily for those who missed it, we remembered to hit the record button:
The fast-growing biotechnology sector is playing a leading role in creating a sustainable bioeconomy in Europe.
Every year new conversion processes are being developed and new bio-based products are entering the market. According to estimates one million new jobs could be created in the bio-based industries by 2030.
But biomass supplies are limited, and competition for certain feedstocks is increasing.
Therefore, as well as having a marketable product, each bio-based business needs a solid feedstock strategy to ensure a reliable supply of their biomass raw material.
WEBINAR: From biomass to biobased products: #1 Choosing the right feedstock strategy
26 September 2019 | 11h00-12h00 CEST
BTG Biomass Technology Group have successfully launched operation of a first of a kind thermo-chemical fractionation plant, an important step towards the commercialisation of a fast pyrolysis based biorefinery. The plant enables the transformation of lignocellulosic biomass such as sunflower seed husks into products including phenolic resins, furan-based resins, paints, engineered wood and natural fibre reinforced products.